3 Warning Signs to Be Aware of When Hiring a Publicist [Look Out!] (2019)
If you simply don’t have time to do your own publicity, you can generate new sales and awareness fast by hiring a professional. But what should you look out for, especially if you have a tight budget?
Well, in addition to reviewing credentials and references, here are three, key warning signs to be aware of when searching for a publicist:
Big Promises Watch out for big promises and sales jargon. It’s almost impossible to guarantee media placements so ask for client testimonials. And if they can’t provide this information, look for another, PR option.
Hidden Agendas If you sign with a large PR firm, confirm that you will have an experienced professional working on your account. The well-known publicists usually work on the bigger accounts so make sure you are getting what you pay for. Also, check for hidden fees or additional costs before moving forward. Negative Reviews Does the PR agency you want to hire have a positive listing with the Better Business Bureau, www.bbb.org, Public Relations Society of America, www.prsa.org, local area Chamber of Commerce, or other, credible organization? Check for reviews prior to signing any contracts.
These are just three, quick tips to keep in mind when hiring a publicist. Good PR people can take your business to the next level of success. But bad publicists can cost you time, money and unnecessary stress.
By taking a few minutes to conduct some research, you’ll significantly increase your chances of finding the right person to meet your specific needs and budget.
For additional tips to help your small business grow, visit Rembrandt Communications at https://www.rembrandtwrites.com, The Small Business PR Academy at https://www.smallbusinesspracademy.com, and Audivita at https://www.audivita.com.