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50 BPM - Simple Straight Beat - Drum Track

Published on 10 Sep 2020 / In Producer & Beats

The best sounding drumming tracks & loops for playing, jamming, practicing or composing.
Use it like a cool metronome. Pop, Rock. It shows the measure number at the top left.
50 Beats per Minute.

Beats per minute (BPM) is a unit typically used as a measure of tempo in music and heart rate.
The BPM tempo of a piece of music is conventionally shown in its score as a metronome mark, as illustrated to the right. This indicates that there should be 120 crotchet beats (quarter notes) per minute. In simple time signatures it is conventional to show the tempo in terms of the note duration on the bottom. So a 4/4 would show a crotchet (or quarter note), as above, while a 2/2 would show a minim (or half note).

Largo -- broadly (45--50 BPM)
Larghetto -- rather broadly (50--55 BPM)

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