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60 Songs From Unsigned Upstate NY Rappers That You Should Know About (Part 1)

Published on 05 Sep 2020 / In Rap

When I was putting together this list, I was looking for rappers that were unsigned, under the age of 30 & have accumulated at least 10K views on YouTube. When I create part 2, I won't so much worry about the views because there are so many talented artists from upstate NY with less than 10K. But not only will I be creating a part 2 but there will be more videos such as "Top female rappers from Upstate, NY", "Top drill rappers from Upstate NY", "Top Lyrical rappers from Upstate, NY" and so much more. I didn't make the order I put it in a random organizer and went off the list

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Rochester NY Rappers , Syracuse NY Rappers , Albany NY Rappers , Buffalo NY Rappers , Geneva NY Rappers, Newburgh NY Rapper , Elmira NY Rappers ,

Feature In The Video : Dini , Jrey Cash, Toosii2x,Lil Perco ,Pardison Fontaine ,Sammus,Rigz, Chief , Kay Bizz , BGM Blakk,DropGang Dottchi,Klass Murda, Selli Paper , Suave The Don,Treezx,500 Pooh, Neecho,Rundown ,Hundo Racks,Sevin O’ Benji, Rockstar Rizz,D Rose ,2K Chizzy ,500 Chad,Wiz Mack,Lil Louwop, Rich Baby, Skooly,Atm Deezo , SwaggFrm421, Clout Bandz,Rick Rude ,Turbo , Guwop Gumbo , TyreckDaGoat,Scorey, Lil Wes ,Mack Millz , Tay600 , Tay Capone , Yatti Rilla ,Sha Racks, Ty Houdini , Lil Bank , BankBoy Taydo ,Zack Randolph ,Shaqq , Ovi Jozi , Chris Raxx , Gleechie , Wink Sinkler ,Millyano ,Naylo,Taj Billy ,Squad Sui, K Pi$tol , Lil Deebo , Chase Bands , Sinatras ,Ponzo Houdini, Openceazn ,King Hot ,Lou Marley ,100 Bank Fisher , Kris B (Baddnews), Kushie Sunoco ,Laflare 2x,Bi$Ko,Y.O.G,Mizzy Mula , Xan Marino ,G.E.O, Bando Beej , Mitch Skrtoff , Lotta Bands, Yae Xantana ,Ralph Taj aka Young Taj ,Blake Montel ,DD3 Tug , BD ,20BankFi$H, BB Savij ,BB Savage, Yung Fayzo , JahhBluu,BeachBoy Nino ,Jamal Gasol ,NuNaveli , Billy Blanc ,Sj BINCHILLY , Sj Studio Junkie , Jay Hendo , Hendo Chan, S.Dot , Dotarchi ,Clinton Itoo, Killa,Sn9 , Kane Gwala , King Shellz ,Meech Booker ,Anthony Kannon ,CashwithusPooh, Yung Fetti , Hoodstar Jack, Fresco , 500 Pooh & Souly Had

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