Cover song licensing - Distrokid vs Soundrop Pricing
For video game cover musicians, who is best for cover song licensing: Distrokid or Soundrop? This video will evaluate their pricing models.
Whenever Distrokid and Soundrop are mentioned online, there are surprisingly charged debates over the two services' very different pricing models. Both Soundrop and Distrokid will license music for proper, legal cover song distribution, so when should musicians pick one or the other?
Since we know what each service provides, we can solve this with algebra.
Play around with this graph that maps Distrokid vs Soundrop's pricing!
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🎷 Instrument : Conn 24M Alto Saxophone
Mouthpiece: JodyJazz HR 6M
Ligature: Rovner C1RL MK III
Reed: Vandoren Java 2
🎤 Mic: Electro Voice RE-20
📷 Camera: Canon EOS SL1/100D
🎛️ DAW: Reaper
🎞️ Video Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC
#subversiveasset #vgm