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Day in my Life at a Music Label + How to Get an Internship in Music! | SimplyMaci

Published on 11 Sep 2020 / In A&R, Labels, Management

▶️ Previous video: https://youtu.be/yZBSogHcvHg


🎥 V L O G S

👕 M E R C H

✂️ E T S Y

📱 I N S T A G R A M

🐥 T W I T T E R


WMG Emerging Talent Program: https://www.wmg.com/emergingtalent

Atlantic Records Internship: http://www.atlanticrecords.com/internships


P R O M O C O D E S:

🚗 $5 off Uber ride use “macig72ue”
🚕 $5 off Lyft ride use “simplymaci”


📬 Business Inquiries: simplymacix@gmail(dot)com
📥 For collabs, please DM me on Instagram or Twitter @simplymacix


⚠️ F T C: This is not a sponsored video and all opinions are of my own.

⚠️ Any products marked with (*) are affiliate links, which mean I receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing the products through these links.


💭 A B O U T M E:

Name: Maci (pronounced may-see)
Age: 21
Camera: *Canon G7X https://amzn.to/2YFhKTC
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X
Music: https://open.spotify.com/user/....simplymacix/playlist
Current Subscriber Count: 16,465


Related Keywords: simplymacix, simplymaci, youtube, youtuber, #musiclabel #internships #interning interning at a music label, interning at warner music group, wmg, warner music, rhino records, emerging talent associate, emerging talent program, interning at a music label, interning at a record label, how to get an internship in music

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