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Getting Signed To A Record Label | Wendy Day Speaks On Getting A Record Deal

Published on 07 Sep 2020 / In How-to & Style

List Of Rap Record Labels: $30 http://rap-resources.com/#shop

Here's a post from my blog (IndustryReport.com)--

The Question:
I’m an indie/unsigned artist..I’ve been doin’ things for some years now but I have never really found any true success from it, and I need for that to change..I want to take my career to the next level. If you can help in any way, please feel more than free to do so. Thank you.

My Answer:
I’m not sure what walls you are coming up against or what your overall goals are, but I can tell you that the reason most artists don’t experience success (if they’ve put in years of work) are usually one or more of the following:
1. Limited knowledge of HOW to achieve goals such as getting signed to a record deal or building a fan base.
2. Your music isn’t appealing to or reaching a large enough audience or fan base
3. No money to market or promote your music.
All of the above are fixable, fortunately. You can learn how the industry works and how to achieve your goals by reading, networking, and interacting with those who are more successful than you. I have a blog (www.IndustryReport.com) and a book that would be a great start to solving challenge #1: How To Get A Record Deal is available digitally at Amazon at http://amzn.to/2diet5Q.

To solve challenge #2, you’d need to build relationships with club and radio DJs, producers, and more successful rappers to get feedback on your music. Now, I’m hesitant to tell you to do this because it’s all opinion. One person might say “put drums in” while another might say “take drums out.” Enough to drive you crazy…. But if you can get feedback from 10-15 people and the majority say the same thing, they may be right. Do not ask friends and family. They’re too close to you. I’d like to point out here that even bad or mediocre music finds fans if it’s marketed and promoted correctly.

Money. The hardest one to fix. This is a costly industry. It takes money to make the music and then it takes money to promote it. So you either need a job or an investor (or both). You need to give potential fans a reason to click on your song and listen to it. There’s just too much other music out here–it’s over saturated. So people (listeners) need a reason to check you out. First they need to be aware of you (to know you even exist) and then they need to have a reason to listen…maybe they relate to the topic of your song, maybe they like your artwork, maybe one of their friend’s mentioned you, maybe they heard it on the radio, maybe they read an article about you and like what you stand for, etc… Point is, SOMETHING has to grab them. Anyway, my point is that all of those ways for them to hear about you cost money and time to market and promote yourself.

BUY MY BOOK | http://amzn.to/2diet5Q

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WENDY's BLOG | http://www.industryreport.com
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