? How to avoid copyright on music in DJ mixes & mixtapes // youtube videos
You can't fight copyright: it's the law BUT you can carefully pick songs.
Putting mixtapes on Youtube seems a good idea to promote yourself as a DJ. But you soon will run into problems with music rights in your mixes.
How to prevent problems with music on youtube?
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🎥 YouTube ideas for DJs & producers: https://youtu.be/pTDtQE6cykM
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You want to make a mixtape and publish it on youtube
hours of preparing your set, then do couple of takes, edit it.
2 days of work, only to find out, that you are demonitized or even worse, can get a strike.
It already happened to me
But what if i told you that was a way around that.
A way that is completely legitimate , but it requires a little bit of work
Let’s talk about it
dexxter clark, new subscribe
It was my 3rd video on youtube.
I had even a livestream that was a test, video on private, where i had my radio on striked!
you are freaking kidding me
only drive big car
If you did not make the music, you don’t own the copyright.
So not on youtube, not on soundcloud.
Mixcloud yes
buy song itunes, license only listen
like you would do with monitizing a video where you are spinning music
play in club
club /festival pays
that’s why they ask you for a playlist
youtube system in place to search for music.
they fingerprint music, called content id
content id recognises songs.
There are categories
-audio deleted from video, happened to me a couple of times
-video blocked in certain countries
-share revenue on monitized videos
-recordlabel takes your revenue on your monitized videos
But there is a way around that.
Luckily youtube is pretty clear what is allowed and what not.
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Notice risk
If someone get’s it in their head to change conditions of a song, you are screwed and even get a strike for that.
I won’t take the risk on this channel, I stay far away from commercial music.
I know that there are DJs do that.
Their risk.
My youtube channel is everything to me
personal opinion dj’s leeway
promote music., but hey, long term vision.
short term vision = short term money,
you shoot yourself in your own foot, but hey, I only Dexxter Clark with a vision.
There is also something like copyright free music.
same problem applies
What would you do if you published a song for free,
you have a hit on your hands with wich you can make 10 grand.
Do you choose for your own wallet or sympethise with all the poor youtubers that get demonitized
More about music rights in my free free e-book.
The download link in the discription below