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Quality Video for Music Producers on Social Media

Published on 10 Sep 2020 / In Producer & Beats

You are a music music producer that want to share your beats, loops, modular jams and fresh sequences on Instagram or YouTube. Show some care by taking charge of your video.

Steady does it. Tripods, mounts or a gimbal is a must. Or at least a nice lean on a coffee cup or book.

These are my goto mounting solutions.

Joby GorillaPod: https://joby.com/gorillapod-tripods?mode=grid
Manfrotto Magic Arm: https://www.manfrotto.com/magi....c-photo-arm-kit-alum
Zhiyun Crane M: http://www.zhiyun-tech.com/crane_m_en/


https://www.patreon.com/CabCurio to microfund my videos
http://cabcurio.link/channel YouTube channel with more Tutorials Designed for Learning
▶ Email for business and co-lab proposals cabcurio@carlmikaelbjork.se

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