Welcome to Unsigned Paparazzi
This platform was designed for you to network, make fans while building your brand.
You will be able to show the world your life as an artist and life behind the scenes. You can share videos on social media platforms, sell and buy videos. You can keep 95% of your profits. Please be sure to post an introduction video, letting the fans know you, where your from and your hottest track right now.
When you post videos only post once in the appropriate category.
To stay in the higher ranks on front page, post videos on a weekly basis and share.
Please make yourself known by posting an introduction video, please make contact with artists and critique when necessary.
Please post shows, contests for unsigned artists, post interviews and plays for popularity
IF your wanting to conduct a contest, a battle etc..please state all the details of the contest and its deadline. Please remove video once contest has ended.
This is a public platform, Please utilize the platform to select artist to sponsor.Please do post any videos in relation to you and that artist. Any videos posted unrelated to the strategy of this platform will be deleted.
Please do upload a video introducing youself, where your from and whom you worked with and contact information.
If your looking to advertise on the Unsigned Paparazzi, message blasts, etc please email renownedempire@gmail.com for packages and pricing.