How To Freestyle Rap For Beginners: 2 Golden Rules
2 Golden Rules for learning how to freestyle rap for beginners. Get my Rap Flow Masterclass FREE here:
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Freestyle rap skills are important for being able to write songs and rap lyrics.
If you don't know how to improvise and freestyle then you will have a hard time coming up with lyrics for your songs, choruses and raps.
Being able to improvise requires that you get into a creative flow and the fastest way to do that is with freestyle rapping.
This video is giving you the Two Golden Rules to get started freestyle rapping today.
If you're a complete beginner and want to learn how to freestyle rap then this guide is for you.
Check out my recommended mixtape tools for recording your songs and freestyles here:
Get freestyle paper here:
The secret to learning how to freestyle rap like a pro...
goes against all other youtube rap tips...
You actually have to do the opposite of what you might think to be able to freestyle rap forever
Avoid this one thing when starting out to help you learn how to freestyle rap 10 times faster without the headache.
Golden rules:
1. The number one thing you must avoid when starting out is rhyming.
Instead you want to focus on flowing.
Once you can freestyle rap for a minute without rhyming...
Then coming up with rhymes will be a lot easier...
and come much more naturally to you because you will be confident in flowing.
2. The second Golden Rule is you must not stop when you mess up.
While working up to freestyle for a minute without rhyming...
Do your best to force yourself to keep going...
Even if you have to make up words.
Just don't stop.
When you force yourself to keep going, even when you mess up...
You'll build your flow muscle...
And you'll start to surprise yourself with what you come up with.
Again, once you can flow for a minute over a beat, OUT LOUD without rhyming...
Then it will be 10 times easier to throw rhymes in your freestyle
You won't have to force rhymes in there anymore.
And you'll instinctively be able throw rhymes in when it comes to you...
You'll have a new confidence because you'll know from experience that you don't have to rhyme every line to be able to rap.
Hope this helps,
Use the link at the top of the description to get my full rap course that gives you the only sure way to start freestyle rapping in less than 5 minutes...
A lot of advanced rap training is included as well as a bonus.
In fact it has become the best rap course to go from complete beginner to pro level rapper faster than anything else.
It is not a magic pill...
You actually have to go through the steps in the course to get better...
But if you do go through the steps in order...
You will learn how to improve your rap skills faster than any other method you have tried before.
🔥 Get my Rap Flow Masterclass FREE here:
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Thank you for watching,
Pat .
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