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IAG Radio Show Episode 3

Published on 15 Oct 2020 / In Radio, DJ, & Mixtapes

IAG Radio Show airs every Wednesday at 8:10pm on www.elifemedia.net. In this episode on March 29, 2017, we discussed Escape's Reunion, Kendrick Lamar's potential album release in April, and 5 of the 10 steps of being a successful Independent Artist.

Music highlighted during the show:
Mya "Welcome to My World"
Da Challenger "Babycakes"
Alex Wiley and Low Gravity "I Fly"
Algebra Blessett "Nobody But You"

Follow us on all social media platforms: @IAGRadioShow

Host: Charis Jones @Charisreese
Co-Host: Torian Brown @Tlluvanlife
Co-Host: Bevin Holland @Ms_Be_You_Nique

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