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We KILLED IT! | Making FIRE Beats for Don Toliver (With an Italian Producer!) | FL Studio

Published on 11 Sep 2020 / In Producer & Beats

We KILLED IT! | Making FIRE Beats for Don Toliver (With an Italian Producer!) | FL Studio Tutorial

In this video I make a beat for Don Toliver and Travis Scott with my guy LennyHoax from HYPN Records. I Take you through the entire process including building around the sample, adding the effects, mixing, and arranging. This video is great for beginner fl studio producers as well as advanced fl studio producers.

Watch Lenny Make The Sample! https://youtu.be/Mm92ye5P_m4
Lenny's IG: https://www.instagram.com/lennyhoaxbeats/
Purchase this beat: https://bsta.rs/95cb4a42

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Plugin List:

MULTIPLY - https://www.pluginboutique.com..../product/2-Effects/1
PANCAKE 2 - https://www.pluginboutique.com..../product/2-Effects/3
WIDER - https://www.pluginboutique.com..../product/2-Effects/2
CASSETTE ROADS - https://www.samplescience.ca/2....020/06/cassette-road

SCALER 2 - https://www.pluginboutique.com..../product/3-Studio-To
UJAM Finisher Neo- http://www.ujam.com/finisher-neo/#a_aid=NatetheproducerBeats&a_bid=661db6c4
UJAM Finisher Voodoo -https://www.ujam.com/voodoo/#a_aid=NatetheproducerBeats&a_bid=4cb18ad7

#DonToliverTutorial #FLStudio #TravisScottTutorial

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Don Toliver tutorial, heaven or hell don toliver, Travis scott tutorial, wondagurl tutorial, mike dean tutorial, jackboys tutorial, dark melodies, hypn records, lennyhoax hypn records, making melodies from scratch, making beats in fl studio, beat making vlog.

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