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How to Freestyle Rap

Published on 15 Oct 2020 / In How-to & Style

Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLLALQuK1NDr
Watch more Singing Tips videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/....414884-How-to-Freest

If you wanna freestyle, you gotta have flow. Underground or mainstream, here are tips to know.

Step 1: Use familiar rhymes
Start simple, don’t get crazy; Who cares if others think you're lazy? Rhyme cat, hat like you're 5 years old, But you'll still flow hot lava while their rhymes go cold.

Step 2: Make references
Come on, get a clue. Look at everything that you've got around you. Think something's funny, that it merits your time? Let it ride like Cronkite; give a piece of your mind.

Maintain a solid knowledge of current events. Stars, sports, polls -- they're all ripe for comment.

Step 3: Plan ahead
Now you know what to do, Then figure out what you can rhyme to. Be a chess master - 10 moves ahead, If you're not always planning, your flow will stop dead.

Step 4: Freestyle freely
Free up rhyme and meter of flow; You're writing real time, not Dante's Inferno. Hack your way through verbal thorns and thistles. Forget that guy Webster -- think "fo' shizzle my nizzle."

Throw in similes to be at your best --They can get a crowd buzzing like you kicked a wasp’s nest.

Step 5: Have some fallbacks
Store a few lines in back Of your mind for when you think you've gotten off track. You can find some solace when the rapping is on By having go-to's like, "Whatcha think a that, son?"

Step 6: Practice
Don’t rely on tricks,don't do it just for kicks; To be a freestyler, sit down and practice.

Did You Know?
DJ Kool Herc, in 1973, Broke beats and fathered hip-hop in New York City.

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