The 3 Most Common Freestyle Rapping Mistakes (And How To Fix Them)
Freestyle Fortnight: How To Master The Art of Freestyle Rapping In 2 Weeks (VIDEO COURSE INFO):
In this video, we will breakdown the 3 most common mistakes made when people are learning how to. rap... and more specifically for this video, how to learn the art of freestyle rapping. This video is a great overview on how to freestyle rap for beginners and how to rap for beginners in general. These rap tips will help you learn how to rap better, and being able to freestyle well will help you learn how to write a rap song as well at a faster pace. If you wanted to learn how to start rapping, definitely integrating freestyle rap practice is key. Hopefully this how to rap video will help you on your journey!
Freestyle Rapping Mistake #1 – Not Memorizing Rhyme Schemes
This is probably the most common mistake I see with people trying to learn freestyle rapping.
When I first learned freestyle rapping, I had been rapping for a couple of years before so I already had experience with constructing rhyme schemes (or long chains of rhymes for a particular word) in the past.
When it came time to spontaneously think of raps on the spot, the fact that I had years of rhymes already up in my brain helped A LOT.
In other words, if I am freestyle rapping and I land on the word… “spitting” (as in, “I’m spitting”) I already have many, many words in my head pretty much on autopilot that I could rhyme with…
“Spitting, victim, system, listen, hit him”, etc.
In many beginning freestyle rapper’s case, they may not have taken a year or two to get used to memorizing common rhyme schemes in their head, and so when they start freestyling, they go blank partially because they don’t have rhyme schemes on autopilot.
Memorizing Is NOT Cheating
We should also note that some people may initially think that this is “cheating” or that the best freestylers haven’t memorized rhymes in advance… but that’s simply not true.
The art of freestyling is a mixture of coming up with new rhymes on the spot (I remember one time I thought of “sake bomb” and “hockey mom” literally in the middle of a freestyle) but ALSO the art of combining common rhyme schemes into a new sequence of ideas.
So if you feel like one of your main problems is that your mind is going blank often when freestyle rapping… it may be because you haven’t memorized in advance.